
Be careful who you work for

I read this Seth Godin post in the fall. I remember being struck by it then. Now, one of my Tweeps (Twitter friends) linked to it today, out of the blue. I re-read it anew and think it is a good piece to keep in mind when you are starting a new chapter:

Be careful of who you work for (Seth Godin)

The single most important marketing decision most people make is also the one we spend precious little time on: where you work.

Think about this for a second. Your boss and your job determine not only what you do all day, but what you learn and who you interact with. Where you work is what you market. Work in a high stress place and you're likely to become a highly stressed person, and your interactions will display that. Work for a narcissist and you'll develop into someone who's good at shining a light on someone else, not into someone who can lead. Work for someone who plays the fads and you'll discover that instead of building a steadily improving brand, you're jumping from one thing to another, enduring layoffs in-between gold rushes. Work for a bully and be prepared to be bullied ... Read all of Seth Godin's post

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